Breastfeeding and Maintaining Milk Supply - Hands & Toes

Breastfeeding and Maintaining Milk Supply


Tips for Breastfeeding and Maintaining Milk Supply

Have you ever questioned yourself on whether breastfeeding is right for you and are looking for some tips to keep your milk supply while breastfeeding? Well, you came to right place. In this blog, we talk about tips on breastfeeding and for new moms looking for a few supply tips.

Breastfeeding is one of the most important decisions that a mother can make for her baby. Not only is it the natural and healthy way to feed a newborn, but it also provides numerous benefits for both mother and child. However, for many new mothers, breastfeeding can be a challenge and require a great deal of patience, persistence, and education.

*Note: We are aware of the fact that many mothers aren't able to breastfeed due to many different reasons, our hearts go out to them, and we aren't against formula feeding either. Were just focusing on breastfeeding within in this blog. 

Here are some tips and advice for mothers who are looking to successfully breastfeed their baby:

1. Start Early and Often: The best way to ensure a successful breastfeeding experience is to start early and nurse your baby as often as possible. This will help your baby to establish a good latch, build up your milk supply, and ensure that your baby is getting the nutrients they need.
2. Get Comfortable: Breastfeeding can be a very intimate and personal experience, and it is important to make sure that you are comfortable and relaxed while nursing. Find a comfortable chair or position that works well for you and try to avoid distractions and interruptions while you are nursing.
3. Know How to Latch Your Baby Correctly: A proper latch is crucial to successful breastfeeding. Make sure that your baby's mouth covers both the nipple and areola, and that your baby's chin is touching your breast. If you're having trouble with latching, don't hesitate to reach out to a lactation consultant for help. (They are very helpful; I know from experience myself that they are able to provide helpful tips and demonstrations so you can have your baby latch on you correctly. They can provide you with many different feeding positions as well.)
4. Experiment with Different Nursing Positions: Every baby is different, and what works well for one mother and baby may not work well for another. Don't be afraid to try different nursing positions, such as the cradle hold, football hold, or cross-cradle hold, to see what works best for you and your baby.
5. Be Prepared for Some Soreness: Breastfeeding can be an intense and emotional experience, and it is not uncommon for mothers to experience some soreness, particularly in the early stages. To help soothe sore nipples, try using lanolin ointment or expressed breast milk, and make sure to change your nursing pads often.
6. Keep Track of Your Baby's Feedings: Keeping track of your baby's feedings can be a great way to ensure that they are getting enough to eat and can also help you to identify any potential issues with your milk supply. There are many apps and tools available to help you keep track of your baby's feedings and growth. You can also track if they're getting enough milk by counting how many wet diapers your baby makes every day. Recommendations for how many wet diapers baby should make will be found in another post on our page called "How Many Wet Diapers Should Baby Make?"
7. Stay Hydrated: Staying hydrated is crucial for successful breastfeeding, as it helps to maintain a healthy milk supply. Make sure to drink plenty of water and consider incorporating other hydrating foods and drinks into your diet, such as fruit and herbal teas.
8. Take Care of Yourself: Finally, it is important to remember to take care of yourself while you are breastfeeding. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat a healthy diet, and find time for yourself to recharge and relax.


In conclusion, breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural experience that can provide numerous benefits for both mother and baby. However, it can also be a challenging and demanding experience, particularly for new mothers.

By following these tips and seeking out support and education, you can successfully breastfeed your baby and create a strong bond that will last a lifetime.



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